Monday, February 20, 2012

From a cheap coal miner's beer to the largest American owned brewery

Seeing as how I am in full on Yuengling mode since choosing it as the topic of our group paper I will stick with that for this week's post. For those of you that don't know Yuengling has overtaken Boston Beer Co. as the largest American owned brewery. No small feat for a once small time feat for a 5 generation family owned business that was once propped up solely by the coal miners of Eastern Pennsylvania.

Throughout history Yuengling has battled prohibition, goliath corporations, a total rebranding and marketing changeover and the light beer craze. Their story of success is one of patience, calculated risk and most of all, a great deal of sheer luck. Much of their success can be attributed to current CEO Dick Yuengling who is very much an old school throwback. The guy does like to use email, just recently got a cellphone, drives a 2002 Taurus to work and chain smokes while re-using plastic cups. He appears to be an extremely frugal individual indeed.

Its refreshing to see someone so invested in a business in a day when family owned businesses seem to be falling by the wayside more and more. Its my personal belief that this gives the company quite a unique marketing angle being both the nation's oldest brewery was well as being the largest American owned brewery. Dick seems to be already taking advantage of such an ad campaign.

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